Eristoff Interactive brand campaign


The client wanted to build a campaign and visual identity that spoke to LDA 24 year old males. Using the logo and tagline; Vodka from the land of the wolf, the creative teams built out an idea around bringing the Wolf icon to the forefront of the campaign.


What we did

We commissioned a world renowned street artist to execute the full scale visual of the wolf in a warehouse in east London and used the visual across the core campaign assets. Supported but the tagline ‘Bring on the Night’ which encapsulates the ethos for the campaign CTA. The key visual was used for print and OOH and for supporting content for Eristoff website and social activation.

Interactive game

During the filming of the TVC and as part of post production we embedded ‘wolf’ icons for users to collect online to win prizes and have a deeper engagement with the brand / content.

Making of film

Not only did it become an iconic eye catching visual, we filmed the creation of and used the content online to further engage with the audience and continue to raise awareness. The street artist took two weeks to create the Eristoff wolf masterpiece.


Award winning creative ideation and production of a full 360 degree campaign. Eristoff saw a huge uptick in brand engagement, awareness and sales.

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